The BSA Ultra SE Tactical .177
Today we’re having a look at the BSA Ultra SE Tactical .177. This sub 12ft-lb .177 carbine gives you tons of performance in a tiny package. The Ultra SE Tactical has a full sized stock despite it’s diminutive profile, and would make an excellent entry level WFTF field target gun. It would also be a good starter PCP for an older child shooter who is big enough for the gun. If you add a moderator to the 1/2 x 20 UNF threaded barrel, it would make a superb backyard pest gun. The gun ships with a single 10 round BSA magazine, a fill probe threaded to 1/8 BSPP, an allen wrench, some spare o-rings, and a small tube of silicone grease. Make sure you keep your fill probe o-rings lubricated with the grease for maximum life-span. Available in .177 and .22 here in the states, the Ultra SE Tactical is also cheap to feed. The full video review that accompanies this blog is linked below.
Starting at the tip of the barrel we have a muzzle break which is easily removable and replaceable with anything sporting 1/2 x 20 UNF threads. The barrel itself is 12″ long, and yes, it is the famous cold hammer forged BSA barrel made in England. The 280cc air tube is good for 40 shots (4 magazines) and what a 40 shot string it gives you! Although the gun doesn’t have a regulator, it does have BSA’s “Strike Fast” self regulating valve that improves the efficiency of the gun as well as flattens out the power curve. As you can see in the picture below, from a full 232BAR fill and using JSB Exact 8.44gr pellets, the gun gets 40 shots with an extreme spread of only 13fps and a standard deviation of 3 fps. That is better than some truly regulated guns! The average energy was about 10.5fpe at the muzzle. The velocity does fall of quickly after the 40 shots, though.

The stock on this gun is fabulous, though not adjustable. For me, it doesn’t need to be. The gun shoulders quickly, and the comb places my eye directly in front of the Aztec Emerald 5.5-25×50 scope sitting on Sportsmatch high 30mm rings. There are wonderful palm swells on the grip, as well as some texturing for a sure purchase. The overall length of the gun is only 32″, and it weighs in at about 6 pounds naked. Adding a scope and rings will naturally increase this. The fill pressure gauge is under the air tube on the fore-end of the stock, and clearly marked at it’s 232BAR maximum fill pressure.
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The breech is fully enclosed, meaning that the magazine fits inside the breech rather than splitting it. This is a feature I like, which gives you limitless optic mounting options. Your rings or mount can go literally anywhere on the 11mm dovetail rail. The magazine is held into the breech by a push/pull lever at the front of the breech. The “Bolas” bolt on these guns is super smooth, yet without any play. It feels like “it’s on rails.” The two stage trigger is adjustable, but very nice out of the box. The first stage is nice and light coming to a solid wall, and with next to no creep…the trigger breaks cleanly at about 1.25lbs.
The accuracy of the Ultra SE Tactical is on par with what you would expect from a high end manufacturer like BSA. As you can see in the pictures below, this gun easily produces an average of 0.25″ center to center 10 shot groups at 20 yards using the JSB Exact 8.44gr pellets. The gun is capable of better if you are, and sorted pellets would also tighten things up considerably. Any way you look at it, this is one accurate gun. At under 12fpe, and as accurate as this little gun is…. the addition of a moderator would make this a wonderful yard gun for pesting or for target shooting. It’s a little loud for that with only the muzzlebrake, but even a small moderator makes a huge improvement.

So what do we like about the BSA Ultra SE Tactical? It’s light, comfy, extremely well balanced, and has a delicious trigger. Although unregulated, the Strike Fast valve is both efficient and consistent with a wonderfully flat shot string from a full fill. You get lots of shots, you can mount anything you want anywhere on the 11mm dovetail rail, and the threaded barrel makes attaching accessories a breeze. Most of all, though….we like the accuracy! The cold hammer forged BSA barrels do not disappoint.
What don’t we like about the gun? Not much really. The gun is a little loud without a moderator, but that is a non-issue for some…and an easily fixed issue for others. You might complain that extra magazines will cost about $50, but they are really nice magazines and on par with prices from other manufacturers. These are only minor issues, and wouldn’t outweigh the “Pro’s” for me by a longshot. We love the BSA Ultra SE Tactical! I wish you all could hold one, because honestly…I fell in love with it the first time I held it. It just feels “right”, and I didn’t want to put it down. Shooting it just sealed the deal.
Until next time….stay tuned, stay safe, and happy shooting!

Donnie Reed is our Sales Manager and general airgun guru here at Baker Airguns. He was a member of the U.S. Marine Corps, and qualified as both a Rifle Expert and Pistol Expert. Donnie is now a competitive airgun shooter, focusing primarily on field target and benchrest competitions. He has won both PCP and piston class field target matches, as well as local benchrest competitions. Donnie also runs the Youtube channel and Facebook group ALL THINGS AIRGUN. His first college degree is in Mathematics and Sciences, but he is still pursuing another in Physics and Astronomy.